College AIEP

QE College’s Advanced Intensive English Preparation Course

The AIEP course is offered within QE College. The AIEP is a 2 to 5 year modular programme that can be adapted to suit any highly academic student.

Entry can be at any of three routes, dependent upon age, prior learning and English competence. Students who require support with their English can take this one-year modular course before beginning their GCSE or A Level studies.

What Is Included In The Course?

The course is primarily aimed at improving your level of English and to prepare you for further study. It leads to not only an English qualification but additional GCSEs in up to two other subjects. Those with slightly stronger levels of English may opt to replace some English lessons with one additional GCSE.

Core Content Optional Content
  • IELTS / Cambridge B2 First in English (15 hours)
  • GCSE Mathematics (4 hours)
  • GCSE Science – Biology or Physics (5 hours)
  • Personal Development (1 hour)
  • Physical Education (1 hour)
  • Super-curriculum (1 hour)

Students with stronger English Language skills will be able to choose from an additional GCSE in:

  • 3D Art
  • Business Studies
  • Chemistry
  • Statistics

Student at QE College working in art class

QE College offers an Advanced Intensive English Preparation Course (AIEP).
How To Join The AIEP

When applying for the Advanced Intensive English Preparation Course at QE College, you will be assessed on your school reports, an English test, a written resume and a face-to-face interview or video call.

You will also be required to sit a CAT4 (Cognitive Ability Test) assessment as part of your application including verbal, non-verbal, quantitative, and spatial SAS scores.

IELTS/B2 First

A crucial aspect of the Advanced Intensive English Preparation course is the time spent developing your English skills. Up to 14 hours a week can be spent working towards both the B2 First and IELTS qualifications that demonstrate you have the language skills to live and work independently in an English-speaking country and are capable of studying courses taught in English. Universities widely recognise B2 First and IELTS and are excellent preparation for Sixth Form academic study.

Both the B2 First and IELTS courses improve and test students’ ability to read, write, speak, and listen in English.

GCSE Mathematics
The GCSE Mathematics course covers topics in number, ratio, proportions, algebra, geometry, probability, and statistics. The emphasis throughout the course is on developing a stronger understanding of mathematics and its applications. The most capable mathematicians can also work towards a Level 2 Certificate in Further Mathematics.
GCSE Biology/Physics 

You can choose either Biology or Physics GCSE. 

The Biology course covers topics including cells, infection, bioenergetics, homeostasis, inheritance, evolution, and ecology. 

The Physics course looks at themes of energy, electricity, particle motion, atomic structure, forces, waves, and magnetism. 

Both courses also include assessed laboratory-based practical work.

GCSE 3D Art, Business Studies, Chemistry or Statistics
If you are confident in speaking English, you may replace five hours of English lessons with one additional GCSE. Visit the Key Stage 4 page to discover more about 3D Art, Business Studies, Chemistry or Statistics.
Physical Education
We offer an options system giving you the choice of rugby (boys only), netball (girls only), football, hockey, basketball, badminton, boxercise, swimming, fitness, gymnastics, dance, trampolining, yoga, exercise to music, spinning, athletics, cricket, Zumba, softball, rounders, tennis, and table tennis.
Personal Development
Personal Development lessons cover a breadth of personal, social, health, citizenship, careers, and economic education. Personal Development helps you integrate into the UK lifestyle and will teach you about financial capabilities, revision skills, values, and culture. The programme has been developed to prepare you for the challenges, choices and responsibilities of university, work, and adult life.
Super-Curricular Activities

You can select an additional super-curricular activity to explore your interests outside the GCSE curriculum. These courses aim to build your personal skills or knowledge related to one subject area and may be linked to future career aspirations.

Choices are within creative arts or sports disciplines, academic areas of advanced mathematics, history, languages or psychology, or opportunities for volunteering.

Final Assessment And Qualifications

At the end of the academic year, AIEP students will complete assessments in:

  • Cambridge B2 First in English
  • GCSE Mathematics
  • GCSE Biology or Physics
  • Optional GCSE Subject 
  • First Language GCSE exam – for Chinese and Russian students only (Please get in touch with our Admissions Team if you would like to take a GCSE in your first language)

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