Wraparound Care

Wraparound Care at Queen Ethelburga’s

Sometimes, it can be hard to drop your child off at school at 8:30 am and to pick them up at 4:10 pm.

At Queen Ethelburga’s, we have a comprehensive wraparound care service to help you manage your commitments and provide childcare for up to 24 hours. This service includes a meal along with help with homework and time for your child to play with friends at Muggles (QE’s activity centre).

Chapter House pupil dancing in class at Queen Ethelburga's

Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate offers a wraparound care service for up to 24 hours.
14 Nights Of Childcare For Day Students

For Year 3 and above, Queen Ethelburga’s provides 14 nights of childcare per academic year.

This “incidental boarding” can be used for your child to attend evening activities, catch up on homework, attend a sleepover, or for when you/your family have other commitments.

Wraparound Care Before And After School

You are more than welcome to drop your child off at school from 7:30 am and pick them up at 6:00 pm. Chapter House and King’s Magna staff provide Early Riser’s club for children joining before 8:00 am, or your child can stay after school for enrichment activities and a meal. This allows plenty of time for them to complete homework and to hang out with friends.

Over 50 After-School Activities

There are plenty of after-school enrichment activities on offer. Most go on until 5:45 pm and include sports, performing arts and creative arts. Your child can also use facilities like Muggles, the swimming pool, or the gym.

If you need extra childcare, after 6 pm, day students are welcome to join boarding students for an evening meal.

Childcare Through the Holidays

Queen Ethelburga’s offers multiple camps and clubs during the holidays. From the age of 3, your child can join Chapter House’s Holiday Club for fun and exciting activities run by Early Year practitioners and teachers.

From the age of 5, you can move your child to Camp QE, a multi-activity day camp for children up to the age of 13. After the age of 13, boarding students can stay onsite as part of “Holidays@QE”, a childcare provision aimed at older students which includes trips away, revision help and wellbeing sessions.