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- Chapter House (3 months-Year 5)
- Key Stage Two
Transitioning from Key Stage One to Key Stage Two (Year 3 to Year 5) is a big step for our Explorers.
Children are encouraged to be more independent in their learning and take a proactive role in asking questions and making new discoveries.
Key Stage Two students at Chapter House learn two languages, take part in weekly Performing Arts lessons and have access to an on-site swimming pool.
Active Lifestyle For An Active Brain
With three sports sessions each week, there is something to engage every child, regardless of their interest or level of ability. Our specialist coaching and curriculum focus on building skill sets rather than on specific individual or team sports. This approach helps every child enjoy learning essential skills like balancing, throwing, and jumping, preparing them for sports coaching at King’s Magna.
Building A Lifelong HobbyEnrichment activities are an integral part of school life at Chapter House. Students are encouraged to actively participate in these activities and explore new interests in our fantastic facilities. Trips to Remember ForeverKey Stage Two brings new opportunities for discovery and adventure as our Explorers investigate more of their everyday environment, and venture further afield. Trips include visiting York Chocolate Story, Leeds Playhouse, and a three-day residential trip. |
Overview of the Curriculum
English and Mathematics lessons are taught every day, with three PE sessions (including a dedicated swimming session) each week. Science, Computing, Humanities, and Creative Arts lessons are taught on rotation. Performing Arts and Modern Foreign Language lessons are taught weekly by subject specialists, with the added opportunity to learn a musical instrument.
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |