
Mathematics at King’s Magna

Mathematics is championed at King’s Magna.

Lessons are taught in ability groups by specialist teachers and there are plenty of opportunities to expand pupils’ learning outside of the classroom.

A King's Magna pupil writing on the digital whiteboard in maths class

Learn about algebra, number, geometry and statistics.
Mathematics Beyond the Classroom

Every year, King’s Magna students can enter the Junior or Intermediate Mathematical Challenges, an external competition for students across the UK.

Internally, students can compete in Project Weeks and Times Tables Championships.

Year 6

Year 6 pupils have five hours of mathematics every week. The lessons follow the Key Stage Two national curriculum with teachers covering topics like number, ratio and proportion, measurement, geometry and statistics.

Rather than taking SAT exams, Year 6 pupils are assessed throughout the year and take an end of year, internal exam.

Years 7 And 8

Mathematics is reduced to four hours per week in Key Stage Three. Teachers follow the national curriculum and cover topics like number, algebra, ratios, proportion and rates of change, geometry and measures, probability and statistics.

Year 9

Students in Year 9 are prepared to transition to QE Faculty or QE College by following the Key Stage Four curriculum and practising GCSE questions and past papers. Lessons focus on developing key skills for Year 10 and preparation for the working world. At Queen Ethelburga’s, many students from both senior schools achieve a GCSE in Mathematics and Further Mathematics. 

The curriculum covers topics such as number, algebra, ratio, proportion and rates of change, geometry and measures, probability and statistics.

A King's Magna pupil in maths class