Topic Lessons

Topic – Humanities, Science, Art, and Technology

Children in Years 1 to 5 discover the world they live in through exciting topic work that teaches history, geography, science, art and technology.

Each Year Group learns three to four topics that are brought to life through amazing trips, engaging workshops and lessons inside and outside of the classroom.

Take a look at the fifteen fascinating topics available at Chapter House:

  • Marvellous Me – Learning about themselves and their local environment.
  • Magical Toymaker – Discover old and new toys in the run up to Christmas. 
  • Come With Me to Africa – Classifying animals, the geography of Africa and traditional African art.
  • Seaside Rescue – History of the lifeboat and using science to discover floating, sinking and waterproof materials.
  • Castles – Castles, weapons and the Battle of Hastings.
  • Polar Regions – Geography and animals of Antarctica, and famous expeditions.
  • Scientists At Work – Charles Darwin and the geography and science of the Galapagos Islands.
  • Stone Age to the Iron Age - Learning about how lives changed and developed, Stonehenge art, settlements, rocks and soils.
  • Tudor York - Investigating the links between the Tudors and the City of York.
  • Extreme Earth - How and where natural disasters occur and identifying human and physical features of our surroundings.
  • Our Changing World - Continents of the World, Amazon Rainforest and Ancient Egypt.
  • Romans and Italy - The Roman success and impact on Britain and the geography of modern Italy.
  • History of Chocolate - Aztec and Mayan cultures, their impact on the cocoa trade and designing and marketing your own chocolate bar.
  • Old World, New World - Weather, terrain and life in Ancient Greece and the expansion by Alexander the Great compared to the exploration of Columbus.
  • Settlers - Journeys and cultures of Vikings and Saxons and the effects of their settlements in new countries.
  • Space - History of space exploration, the solar system, sun and moon.

Chapter House pupils learning outside

Lessons are brought to life through amazing trips, engaging workshops and lessons inside and outside of the classroom.
Build Skills In Topic Through Enrichment Activities

Outside of lessons, pupils can continue their love for art, science, humanities, and technology by participating in enrichment activities, such as art, origami or photography club.

Fantastic Facilities

Chapter House hosts an art studio, IT suites, science laboratories and a DT workshop for children to delve into topic work. Lessons are practical and teachers encourage students to use tools and appliances independently. Often teachers link with other departments like Catering and Creative Arts to make full use of the facilities available.