Life After Faculty

Life Beyond The Faculty of Queen Ethelburga’s

Preparing students for their lives beyond QE Faculty begins at the end of Year 12.

Students are encouraged to use Morrisby, a website that helps students to research careers and plan their future. Faculty staff support students with their course selection or looking into alternative routes to university.

"Many [students] go on to study at universities with demanding entry requirements in the UK and abroad and some gain competitive sports scholarships."

 The Faculty of Queen Ethelburga's ISI Inspection Report, October 2023

For students wanting to apply for Oxbridge, Veterinary, Medicine or Law, the Careers Team have an Early Applicants programme to support them with their personal statements and to guide them through researching their options. Once in Year 13, students have the support of specialist supervisors who coach them through the application process and provide interview practice for apprenticeships, the workplace or university.

After students receive their results the Heads of Department, Faculty Team, the Careers Department and the Academic Director are all on hand to provide advice or guidance they may need.

At the end of Year 13, our Graduation Service and Speech Day is a highlight of the year where we celebrate all our leavers’ achievements. Many receive subject and year group prizes for their outstanding academic and co-curricular achievements.

Two Faculty students celebrating their graduation service,

Students celebrate their achievements at the Graduation Service and Speech Day.
University Destinations

13 students from the Class of 2023 went on to study Business at University. 4 students from the Class of 2023 went on to study Textiles/Fashion Design.

Students went on to study at the University of Leeds, University of Warwick, University of Southampton, Leeds Conservatoire and BIMM University.

Download 2023 Destinations

See Where QE Faculty Students Are Now

Luke Hemingway (2018-2020)

I came to The Faculty of Queen Ethelburga’s on a football scholarship between 2018 and 2020. Whilst at school, I was pushed to work hard academically as well as on the field. I moved on to semi-pro football before pursuing a degree in Business Management at Hull University.

Following my graduation, I started my new role as an Automation Consultant at Spectrum Digital. Here, I assist business leaders in optimising their processes for greater efficiency, employing a variety of software and smart automation tools. My aim is to ensure organisations leverage the latest technologies to enhance their growth and success.

Harry Crawshaw (2019–2021)

The Performance Sports Programme gave me an opportunity to develop as an athlete, and a person, alongside studying for my A Levels at QE. Being a student athlete prepared me to become a Rookie at Durham Cricket and helped me gain the skills to be picked for England U19s. I wouldn’t be in the position I am now without QE.