
Enrichment at Queen Ethelburga's

Don’t let your love for learning end at the classroom door.

Broaden your horizons by embracing a multitude of enriching experiences both within our vibrant community and beyond. With over 70 activities to explore, the opportunities for personal growth are endless.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery through volunteering in the local community, fundraising for meaningful causes, or engaging in friendly competition in our house competitions. Forge lasting friendships, cultivate hobbies, and delve into new skills that extend far beyond traditional academic boundaries.

QE students competing in hurdles

Enrichment encompasses trips, volunteering, fundraising, outreach, activities and outreach.
Give Back To The Community

Be a force for positive change by volunteering or fundraising within our community and beyond.

Queen Ethelburga’s empowers you to make a meaningful impact through important student roles and community engagement opportunities.



Unique Opportunities Await

Experience the thrill of innovation with exclusive activities not found in other independent schools. From competing in the exhilarating Student Motorsport Challenge to honing your skills in E-Sports, Queen Ethelburga’s offers a diverse range of experiences tailored to ignite your passions and expand your horizons.

In addition, you can delve into specialised activities ranging from fencing and golf to horse riding and tennis. Receive expert guidance in instrumental and vocal tuition, explore your artistic talents at the King’s Academy for Performing Arts, or pursue excellence in dramatic arts with LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts) exams.

Compete In The Academic House Cup

Every member of Team QE, whether staff or student, are part of one of the four Academic Houses (Cantwara, Eoforwic, Derwent and Lyminge). Throughout the year, engage in a variety of sports and arts competitions to earn points for your house to earn the House Cup trophy at Speech Day.

Discover Academic House Cup

Queen Ethelburga's students competing in a fancy dress hockey match.

Try The Duke of Edinburgh or Combined Cadet Force

Take on the challenge of earning the Pearson BTEC Vocational Qualification through our Combined Cadet Force (CCF), a pathway that has propelled previous students to success in university and beyond. Alternatively, embark on the journey of self-discovery with the Duke of Edinburgh Award, where volunteering, navigation skills, and outdoor adventures await.

Discover DofE Discover CCF

Unforgettable Experiences 

Embark on captivating trips across the UK and around the globe, where immersive learning experiences await. Whether you're pushing your limits at High Adventure in Chapter House, embarking on international excursions with King’s Magna, or attending inspiring university lectures with QE College or Faculty, the world becomes your classroom.

Chapter House Trips King's Magna Trips College  & Faculty Trips


Link With Local Students Through a QE Connect Outreach Event

Participate in engaging outreach events that foster connections with local students and empower you for the future. From team-building exercises to educational workshops and sports tournaments, QE’s Outreach programs offer enriching experiences designed to broaden your perspective and enhance your skills.

Discover Outreach